Best Amazon Chrome Extensions for Sellers to Grow Your Business

Amazon Chrome Extensions Top 6
by Travis F.posted on 03.03.2023

What separates the very best Amazon sellers from the average ones isn’t usually smarts or experience. It’s the right tools. And here’s the thing: These tools aren’t a secret and they’re available to everyone.

If you know what tools to use you can gain an edge over your competition. You’ll be able to find the most profitable products, identify the right keywords to include in your listing, and even spy on other sellers.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the best Amazon Chrome extensions. These tools are installed in your browser and allow you to see a wide range of data and insights right on Amazon’s website.

Here are our choices for the top Amazon extensions for Chrome:

We’ll review each one to explain what they do and why you should incorporate them into your Amazon business.

PRO Extension

Have you ever been considering several different products to sell on Amazon and wished you could see how many units the items sold each month? Well, the AMZScout PRO Extension lets you do just that.

However, average monthly sales is just one of the data points this tool lets you see. You’ll also have access to:

  • Number of reviews

  • Average price

  • Best Seller Rank

  • FBA fees

  • Sales margins

  • Estimated revenue

  • And more

Perhaps the best feature though is the product and niche scores. These are based on profitability, demand, and competition. By simply looking at the scores you can quickly decide whether a product is worth selling.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the PRO Extension (there’s a free trial available).

  2. Go to Amazon’s website and enter a product into the search bar.

  3. When the results come up, click the PRO Extension icon in the top right corner of your toolbar.

  4. Analyze the data and scores to determine whether the product or niche will be profitable.

When it comes to product research there’s nothing more comprehensive than the PRO Extension.

AMZScout PRO Advanced

Find profitable products with the AMZScout PRO Extension


Find profitable products with the AMZScout PRO Extension


Online Arbitrage & Dropshipping

If you participate in online arbitrage or dropshipping then you know how long it can take to do product research. All the data you need is never in one place and you have to scroll through entire product listings, or multiple pages, to get the necessary information.

The Online Arbitrage & Dropshipping extension solves this. When installed, it presents valuable data right at the top of an item’s Amazon listing page. You’ll see:

  • The types of sellers offering the product

  • Buy box price

  • Fees

  • Profit margins

  • ASIN number

  • Ungated status

  • And more

This saves valuable time and places all the information you need in one central location.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the Online Arbitrage & Dropshipping extension.

  2. Go to the Amazon listing for the product you’re interested in.

  3. Enter your costs to see accurate profit margins.

  4. Review the rest of the data to ensure the item meets your requirements.

There aren’t too many tools designed specifically for people who do online arbitrage and dropshipping, so if that’s your business it’s worth having a look at this Chrome app.

Get 10-in-1 Amazon Toolbox for Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale Sellers

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Get 10-in-1 Amazon Toolbox for Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale Sellers


Amazon Keyword Tracker

Most customers will find your products through an Amazon search, which means you need to make sure you’re ranking for the right keywords. Luckily, the Keyword Tracker extension allows you to easily track which search terms your items are ranking for.

With this tool you will:

  • See all the keywords your products are indexed for.

  • Check where your items are ranking for each keyword.

  • See which page of the search results your items are showing up on.

  • Track keyword ranking changes over time.

  • Adjust your SEO strategies based on your findings.

With competition on Amazon stronger than ever, it’s critical to see where your products are ranking. This allows you to come up with strategies to improve your search results and drive more traffic to your listings.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the Keyword Tracker.

  2. Open the extension.

  3. Click “Add Product” and enter the ASIN number of your item.

  4. Choose the Amazon marketplace that your product is listed on.

  5. Choose how often you’d like to track your search rankings (you have the option of every one to 24 hours).

  6. Select the keywords you’d like to monitor.

  7. Make sure your item is indexed for all the right search terms.

  8. Export this to a spreadsheet if you wish.

Just like Google, Amazon is constantly changing its algorithm, so your rankings are always fluctuating. Use the Keyword Tracker to monitor your position in searches and alter your tactics accordingly.

Quick View

Product research can be extremely time-consuming, especially when you’re trying to analyze multiple products within a niche. You have to go into each individual product listing to get the information you need, which really slows down the process.

The Quick View Chrome addon solves this by displaying every item’s important data right on the Amazon search results page. You’ll see:

  • BSR

  • Price history

  • Top keywords

  • Seller type

  • FBA fees

  • Profit margin

  • Listing quality

  • And more

This allows you to analyze multiple products at once and zero in on the ones you’re most interested in.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the Quick View extension.

  2. Go to Amazon’s website and search for the product or niche you’re interested in.

  3. On the search results page, you’ll see sales and product data listed underneath each item.

  4. Perform a comparison of all the products on the page and find the ones with the most potential.

How does AMZScout Quick View chrome extension work

This program offers 20 free uses to start, so it’s certainly worth experimenting with the next time you’re doing product research.

Stock Stats

With so many other Amazon sellers competing against you, the more information you can get on your competition the better. This is where the Stock Stats extension comes in handy.

With this tool you can analyze any Amazon item and see:

  • It’s total inventory.

  • The average inventory of each seller.

  • Every seller currently offering the product.

  • Each sellers’ sales price.

  • Each seller’s inventory level.

  • And more.

Use this information to help you win the buy box and capitalize on sellers who are about to be running out of inventory.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install Stock Stats.

  2. Go to Amazon’s website and find the listing for the product you're interested in.

  3. Open the extension.

  4. Review the inventory data for that item.

How does AMZScout Stock Stats chrome extension work

As with many other tools on our list, this Amazon seller Chrome extension is free and easily accessible for every seller.

FBA Calculator

Just because an item has a lot of sales doesn’t mean it will make you money. You also have to think about your cost to purchase the product, shipping expenses, and Amazon fees. If your costs are too high then you won’t be left with any profit.

This is why the Amazon FBA calculator is such a valuable tool for sellers. It calculates all of this for you. You’ll see the items:

  • Monthly storage fees

  • Fulfillment fees

  • Profit per unit

  • Net margins

  • ROI

  • And more

This allows you to judge the profitability of a product in seconds, saving you valuable time and preventing you from investing in items you shouldn’t.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the FBA Calculator extension.

  2. Go to the Amazon listing for the product you’re interested in.

  3. Click the FBA calculator icon in the top right corner of your browser to open the extension.

  4. Enter your product cost and the amount you’ll have to pay to have your items shipped.

  5. Your profit margins will be automatically calculated.

Best of all, the FBA Calculator is free. So, definitely give this one a try and see if it’s right for your business.

Other Tools to Consider

In addition to the Chrome plugins listed above, here are three other tools that can really benefit your Amazon business:

  • Product Database: Use 44 filters to search for your ideal product. Search for items based on sales, reviews, category, seller type, weight, and more. This is a great way to generate ideas and discover new products that meet your criteria. 

    Setting Filters in the AMZScout Product Database

  • Keyword Search: Find the very best keywords for your products and include them in your listings and PPC ads. Simply type your product into the search field to instantly generate dozens of related terms sorted by monthly Amazon searches.

  • Reverse ASIN Lookup: This is another keyword tool that allows you to find all the search terms being used for a specific product. Just type in the ASIN for the item you’re interested in to see which keywords are being used. It also allows you to find out which keywords your competitors are using.


With the right tools, there’s no reason why you can’t build a successful Amazon business and start changing your life. 

The tools mentioned here work best when used together. For the best value, we recommend purchasing the AMZScout Toolset, which includes all of the above tools plus some other features you’re sure to enjoy.

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Get 10-in-1 Amazon Toolbox for Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale Sellers


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