How To Find Products To Sell on Amazon and Generate Profit

Find Perfect Products to Sell Main Image
by Travis F.posted on 26.04.2024

Identifying profitable products for Amazon is vital for sellers - the entire success of any business depends on this factor. In this article, we’ll delve into the most effective and popular methods for how to find profitable products to sell on Amazon, and help sellers make informed decisions so they can succeed in the competitive marketplace.

10 Ways to Find the Best Amazon Products

Here are ten ways to find profitable products to sell on Amazon:

  • Look at Amazon’s product database

  • Use Amazon analytical software

  • Attend webinars and other special events

  • Use keyword data 

  • Outsource your research 

  • Review trend reports

  • Check out external marketplaces 

  • Utilize the Amazon ‘Best Sellers’ page 

  • Leverage social media for product ideas

  • Click the ‘Best Seller’ links found on Amazon’s product page

These resources can all help to inspire your choices as you select products in the future. Let’s dive into each strategy so you can begin to find products that sell well on Amazon.

1. Look at Amazon’s Product Database

The most convenient way to search for a product is to define the criteria you’re looking for and use those to narrow down your search. Below, you’ll see examples of what kinds of criteria experienced sellers use when they’re looking for the right product to sell on Amazon FBA:

  • High demand: Top sellers typically look for products that generate a minimum of 300 sales/month (or 10 sales/day)..

  • Minimal competition: Niches where the top sellers have received less than 400 reviews have more likelihood of being noticed. 

  • Size and weight: Choose products that weigh less than 5 lbs and whose size measures less than 18”x14”x8”. Items that are heavier and larger cost more to store and ship.

  • Sales price between $30-70: Sellers tend to choose products priced high enough to make money, but not so high that they seem too expensive to buyers. 

  • Price is four times higher than the cost: Sellers find products where the sourcing costs are 25% of your sales price.

These are not all of the available criteria. You can also select a specific product category, the number of other sellers,, and more. Choosing a product manually from millions of products that fits your criteria is difficult and time-consuming. To help you find matching products quickly, use the AMZScout Product Database.

Step 1: Go to the AMZScout Product Database, which is included in a complete set of tools in the AMZScout Seller’s Bundle.

Step 2: Enter your product criteria. There are many filters to help you refine your precise criteria. For example, you can use one filter to find products with specific rating counts. You can also use the premade “Product Selections” or the suggestions above if you need help.

Product Database filters and Product Selections

Step 3: Select the types of products you want to focus on.  You could choose to focus on new products (items listed in the last two weeks) and/or trending products (products with sales growth of over 20% over the past one to three months).

New + Trenging Products Boxes

Step 4: Get product results. Click “Find Products” to see products that meet your criteria.

Step 5: Make a list of products that meet your criteria.

Analyze AMZScout Product Database results

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Brainstorm New Niche and Product Ideas with the Product Database


Brainstorm New Product Ideas with the Product Database

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Below, you can see the tool in action:

Product Database Results example

This example includes products with prices between $10-70 with fewer than 200 reviews, those that weigh less than five pounds, and generate monthly sales of over 300. These are based on the criteria recommended for beginners we established above. By following these criteria within this tool, you can make your product research process easy.

2. Use Amazon Analytical Software

The next effective way to hunt for profitable items is to use the AMZScout PRO Extension. With this tool, you can analyze any product directly on the Amazon page and validate its viability. This allows you to compare products in the same niche, and makes it simple to analyze potential product ideas for profitability.

Follow these steps to get started with the AMZScout PRO Extension:

Step 1: Install the AMZScout PRO Chrome Extension.

Step 2: Go to and open the extension.

  • Use Amazon’s regular search page to find products you want to analyze.

Locate the AMZScout icon in the left corner and click it after your results finish loading.

How to install and open AMZScout PRO

Step 3: Review the product data that appears. For tips on which metrics to focus on, use our list of suggestions.

Here is what you can analyze using the AMZScout Extension:

  • Sales Trends: Click the “Product History” found under the arrow to the left of any product. This will show you the product’s sales history over the past two years, which helps you see whether a product has generated consistent sales, ensuring that you avoid products that only sell during specific seasons.

    How to check AMZScout Amazon Product History

  • Sales Margin Calculations: The left-hand arrow also provides you with a “Profit Calculator”. Here, you can enter item costs (such as the price of sourcing the product, shipping and handling, etc.) to estimate profit margins. This tool automatically calculates Amazon fees, showing you specific per-sale earnings.

    How to use the AMZScout Profit Calculator

  • Niche Demand Analysis: Clicking the top-right corner provides you with a “Niche Score”. Here, you can learn more about the demand, potential profit breakdown, and competition. Niches with scores of 7 or higher are typically better.

    Where to find the AMZScout Niche Score

  • Analyze Product Indicators: The “Product Score” rating shows you scores for one specific product, letting you review the levels of competition and demand for individual products. This score will give you information for both private-label sourcing and resale.

    How to check Product Score for PL and reselling

Analyzing products using the AMZScout PRO Extension helps you understand why some products sell better than others. Below, you’ll learn more about how experienced sellers find the most-effective products.

AMZScout PRO Advanced

Find profitable products with the AMZScout PRO Extension


Find profitable products with the AMZScout PRO Extension


3. Discovering Product Insights at Webinars and Special Events

Learn from experienced sellers who are ready to share their own methods and tips on how to find a product to sell on Amazon. During these live webinars, you can ask questions and discover the best niches and products for your business.


4. Using Keyword Data

One of the best ways to find out what is selling well is to see which keywords receive the most searches online. There are a couple of methods how to get this info:

There are many different keyword research tools available, like AMZScout’s Keyword Search.  The best part about AMZScout’s tool is that it tells you how many searches each term receives on Amazon, which gives you a better idea of its demand on the platform.

Another way to find popular products is to find keywords that receive more searches online. There are a few methods you can use for this, and you can learn them below: 

1) Keyword Research Software

AMZScout’s Keyword Research software gives you information on the number of searches each term gets via Amazon’s search engine. This gives you a better idea of demand levels on the marketplace. 

Here’s how to use this tool:

Step 1: Go to AMZScout’s Keyword Search Tool. You will receive this along with the Product Database, and other tools in the Seller's Bundle.

Step 2: Enter the name of any product or niche you want to explore (for example, shirts, kitchen items, toys for babies, etc.)

AMZScout Keyword Research Example

Step 3: Review the keyword data for product ideas. Pay close attention to keywords with the most searches.

Check volume Keyword Research

Step 4: Pay attention to the search volume history. Click the graph icon (image above) to view monthly search details. Focus on high-volume terms that get consistent, year-round searches.

How to check Search Volume History

Step 5: Make a list of products based on the most popular keyword search terms 

Determining which products people search for frequently is important in order to find high-demand items, so pay close attention to high-volume keywords, as that’s what people are likely buying.

Keyword Search Banner

Discover new keywords to improve your listing and get more customers from search

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Discover new keywords to improve your listing

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2) Google Trends

  • Access the Google Trends page.

  • Enter the name of a product or niche you want to explore. 

  • Review the graph to see its year-long search trends. 

  • Select “Related Queries for related keywords.

  • Create a list of products based on what you find.

Below, you’ll see how Google Trends can show you at least one potential product:

Use Google trends to find products to sell on Amazon

When looking for “ski shoes” (see above), it’s clear that these are more popular during snow-heavy months. November and December are the two highest months for this product (nearly 100 searches) while the summer months see one-fifth of this amount. These monthly search changes are a good indicator of how much you can sell during different seasons.

5. Outsourcing Research Using Sellerhook's Specialists Select

Access to specialized services, like Sellerhook, ensures that product research doesn’t have to require extensive knowledge. You might consider hiring freelancers, but they might not have the expertise you need to find the best products.

Sellerhook offers expertise, access to millions of products, successful case studies for inspiration, and access to proprietary tools to help you find the right product. With Sellerhook, you’ll also get a report on trending products based on the criteria you have established.

How does Sellerhook`s product report looks like

Follow these steps for a comprehensive report:

  • Select the number of product ideas you want to get.

  • Pay for your order. 

  • Enter your product criteria into the survey. Your criteria could include a specific product category, price, reviews, revenue, marketing data, budget, etc. 

  • Provide your email address.  

  • Get a list of popular products that meet your criteria within 10 days. 

If you want to launch your own successful eCommerce business, Sellerhook is the perfect solution. 


6. Use AMZScout’s Trend Reports to Find Trending Products

You can receive hand-picked product ideas without needing to research products yourself. 

An annual subscription to AMZScout gives you these bonuses:

  • Reports on Amazon’s market news and trending products every month.

  • 19 weekly, curated product ideas from our experts.

Use this information to help you find effective products that would be a perfect fit for your new business or current inventory. 

AMZScout’s annual plan makes finding new products a breeze.

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Don’t Miss Out on New Product Trends! Get Hot Product Ideas Weekly with an AMZScout!

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Don’t Miss Out on Hot Product Trends with AMZScout Reports

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7. Review External Marketplaces

Other eCommerce marketplaces (some of them big) are worth looking at so you can find out what’s popular across the web. 

Here are some steps you can follow when checking out these other marketplaces: 

  • Review marketplaces like Alibaba, Shop, AliExpress, and eBay.

  • Locate the section that shows you trending product information. For example, eBay has a link called “Explore Popular Categories” and Alibaba has a “What’s Trending Now” section.

  • Using your criteria, create a list of potential products.

  • See how these products rank on the Amazon Best Seller’s page. 

When products trend on one website, they are very likely to expand to other marketplaces. The internet doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There’s also nothing stopping you from purchasing underpriced items from one site to resell on others (this is the online arbitrage selling strategy)

8. Use the Amazon Best Sellers Page

Checking the Amazon ‘Best Sellers’ Page is the easiest way to find products to sell on Amazon. Below is a list of quick steps to follow: 

  • Access the Amazon Best Seller’s Page.

  • Select the most interesting category for you.

  • Click through the sub-categories to narrow down your search.

  • Create a list of products that use our criteria above.

emember, these hot products are based on recent sales data, meaning that they might be based on seasonal data or temporary trends. This is why it’s important to use other tools to check yearly sales trends and competition levels before considering these products. 

The AMZScout PRO Extension can be opened on each page to help you learn more about the annual profitability and sales of these best-sellers.

9. Use Social Media for Product Ideas

Social media platforms are a great option if you’re wondering  where to find product ideas for free, and they’re perfect places for users to browse trending topics. This includes popular products they want to buy, providing inspiration for potential brand-name or white-label products you might use. 

Here’s how you can use social media for product ideas: 

  • Go to your preferred social media site.  

  • Familiarize yourself with where to find trending topics. (For example, on Twitter (X), the “What’s Happening” tab shows you trending topics.)

  • Look for products or topics on each social media page’s trending sections.

  • Search for that product on Amazon. 

  • Add the product to your list (especially if it's not on Amazon).

Social media is a great place to start because it’s easy to identify trending products (those with more shares). If you find things trending on social media that are not currently being sold on Amazon, that could be a great chance for you to become the primary provider.

10. The Best Seller Links on Amazon’s Product Pages

The bottom portion of any Amazon product listing will provide a list of related, best-selling products, providing you with more information on products you’re interested in selling. 

Here’s how how to check this unknown Best Seller’s list:

  • Go to a product listing on Amazon you find interesting.

  • Scroll until you see the category links to see how and where this product ranks (found under product details). 

  • See similar items by clicking on the product categories (check the image below).

  • This lesser-known ranking gives you another way to access Amazon’s Best Seller list, providing you with a great way to find related niches and products.

Finding items with Amazon Best Seller Links


Finding the right items to sell on Amazon is very doable when you have a solid strategy and the right tools. By following the suggestions and steps outlined above, you’re ready to begin  to research products.

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